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Dr. Groman offers optometric vision care including:
Comprehensive Vision Examinations for All Ages, including Infants, Preschoolers, School Students, Executives, Laborers, and Seasoned Citizens.
Visual Rehabilitation for Special Populations, including Patients with Developmental Delay, inappropriate behavioral handicaps, Traumatic Brain Injury, Stroke, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, and so forth.
Vision Therapy for All Ages.
Sports Vision Improvement.
Treatment for Stress-related Vision Problems which can compromise school performance. Common symptoms and related conditions include poor head posture, headache, fidgetiness, stomach ache, overwhelmed and/or frustrated with school work, difficulty sleeping at night, sleep walking, bedwetting, car-sickness, ADD/ADHD, Dyslexia, Reading, and Tracking Difficulties, etc.
Treatment for Strabismus (eye turns) and Amblyopia (lazy eye).
Ophthalmic lens and eyewear selection, design, and dispensing. Contact lens consultation, fitting, and follow-up care for special need, single vision, astigmatism, bifocal, in rigid or soft contact lens material.
Instruction and advice for proper body and head posture for good vision and efficient performance when working at a desk, on a table, or at a computer.
There's more to healthy vision than 20/20 eyesight!
Learn more about symptoms of visual problems which
affect reading, learning, school success and sports.
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